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Population of the Czech Republic increased

Publication Date: 21. 03. 2016

Product Code: 130122-16

21 March 2016

Population of the Czech Republic increased. In 2015 it grew to 10 553.8 thousand. Nevertheless, the population growth is not based on a higher number of births, but on people coming from abroad. Besides that, there was a significantly higher number of deaths. 

Population of the Czech Republic increased during 2015 by 15.6 thousand. The average age of the population slightly increased to almost 42 years. The number of live births grew by 0.9 thousand, year-on-year, to 110.8 thousand. “For the last five years, the biggest number of children was born in 2015. The mean age of the mother at childbirth was on its historical maximum by reaching 30 years. A trend of single mothers continued. Almost half of the births were outside marriage,” Iva Ritschelová, the President of the CZSO, stated.

According to preliminary data, there were 111.2 thousand of deaths during the last year in the CR. It is the most for the last twelve years. A year-on-year increase occurred mainly in the first quarter of 2015, when 31 623 people died. A higher number of deaths in the first quarter was recorded in 1993 for the last time.

In 2015, 48.2 thousand marriages were concluded, which was the most for the last seven years. The highest number of weddings was in August and June. “At the same time, there were fewer divorces. The amount of 26.1 thousand is the lowest for the last 16 years. Petitions for divorce are filed more often by women than by men,” Michaela Němečková from Demographic Statistics Unit of the CZSO stated.

The number of immigrants was 34.9 thousand persons, who moved to the Czech Republic in 2015, which is less than in 2014. Emigrants amounted to 18.9 thousand. Thanks to external migration, the population of the Czech Republic thus increased by 16.0 thousand. The number of citizens of Slovakia, Ukraine, and Romania increased the most among the migrations to the CR.

For more information see the News Release, which was just published at: .


Petra Báčová
CZSO spokeswoman
Mobile phone No.: (+420) 778 727 232

